DemocraShe’s curriculum is developed in consultation with experts in political strategy, civic education, sociology, psychology, and the arts, as well as with members of our own youth Leadership Team. All workshops are hands-on and interactive.
DemocraShe matches every practical skill to create confident women leaders with a resiliency skill to keep women successfully on the path to leadership.

Resiliency Skills
Goals & Values - How to use your values to motivate you toward your goals
Grounding - Using grounding to handle stressful situations
Wiring the Brain - How to fight the brain’s negativity bias and re-wire with positive thoughts and emotions
“Inner Best Friend” - How to be and internalize your own cheerleader
Gratitude Practice - How to bring more joy
“Self Doubt Toolkit” - How to combat imposter syndrome and self-doubt
Leadership Skills
Inspiring Speakers - Hear from women leaders - you can't be what you can't see
Identity as “Superpower” - Craft compelling personal narratives and speeches drawing on your unique identity and lived experience
Public Speaking - How to use the power of your authentic voice
Taking Action - How to make meaningful change in your community and beyond
Advocacy and Legislation - Learn how laws are made, and how you can network and take advantage of opportunities to advocate for causes you care about
“DemocraShe Launchpad” - Create a three year plan to make an immediate impact and start your leadership journey